Terms of use
The following general terms of use as well as the special terms of use are accepted unconditionally by the user of this website.
Terms of Use – Introduction.
The Alma Group has created the website https://www.alma-theatregroup.com/ offering information and services to its visitors/users.
The use of the services provided implies unconditional acceptance of these terms. The visitor/user of the website accepts that in each visit/use of this website he/she will apply and be bound by the terms of use, as described below. In case of disagreement with one or more terms of use, the visitor/user must avoid any visit and/or use of the website.
The Alma Group reserves the right to modify the terms of use without a deadline, but notifying the fact for a reasonable period of time, during the visit of the users. The user, while browsing the website, must be updated to be aware of any modifications. In the event that the visitor/user continues to use the website after the announcement of modifications, it is assumed that he has accepted these modifications.
In case of use of any service regulated by more specific terms of use, these terms are considered to be unified with the present terms of use. In the event of any conflict between them, the specific terms of use of each service shall prevail.
Terms of Use – General.
The following general terms of use as well as the specific terms of use are accessible to website visitors both when navigating the website https://www.alma-theatregroup.com/, before the process of registering for the services provided and during the process registration, listed in detail on the website.
The confirmation of their notification and acceptance is a condition for sending the necessary activation code of the service account provided. The Alma Group assumes that all its users have read and agree to the above terms of use.
Minors are prohibited from registering and using the Site and the Site Services, which by law are intended for adults only. If, despite this, minors voluntarily visit websites or use services that may be considered inappropriate, the Alma GROUP bears no responsibility.
The website https://www.alma-theatregroup.com/ is used by visitors/users under the current terms of use, without the possibility of modifications or other interventions in them. The Alma Group, acting in good faith, in accordance with the principles of art and science and according to business ethics, provides a safe user environment on the website as well as accurate, complete, valid, reliable and up-to-date information.
Terms of Use – Liability.
In any case, however, users acknowledge and accept that the Alma Group, given the nature of the services provided, may not be able to exercise control over the entire content and security of the web pages and services of the website https://www .alma-theatregroup.com/. For this reason, the Alma Group is not bound and does not provide any guarantee, does not assume any responsibility, regarding the security and content of the website.
Users therefore accept that they must evaluate the content and that they are responsible for any risk, threat or damage that may be caused by the use of the website or its content, including their decision to rely on the correctness, completeness, validity or utility of any content of the website https://www.alma-theatregroup.com/.
The website may refer through "links" (hyperlinks or advertising banners) to other websites, the providers of which have full civil and criminal responsibility for the security, legality and validity of the content of their websites and services, excluding any culpability or liability of the Alma Group, such as indicative liability for intellectual and industrial property rights or any other right of a third party.
Therefore, users are obliged to comply with the terms of use of these websites and to contact their providers directly for any issue arising from visiting and/or using them.
Obligations of users.
Apart from any third-party rights, the whole of the original contents of the website https://www.alma-theatregroup.com/ indicatively referring to the registered and protected trademarks, names and brands, distinguishing features, photos, drawings, texts and files in general, they are the intellectual and industrial property of their rightful owner, Alma Group, and are protected by the relevant legislative provisions.
The above content may not be sold, copied, modified, reproduced, retransmitted, transmitted, trafficked or distributed in any way by any user, in whole or in part, without written permission.
The products and/or services of third parties appearing on the website https://www.alma-theatregroup.com/ are the intellectual and industrial property of the third parties, who bear the relative responsibility for the content and services and/or products.
Users accept, agree, agree and commit to the lawful and appropriate use of the website https://www.alma-theatregroup.com/, subject to the provisions on data transmission, provision and use of telecommunication services from Greece to Member States European Union and third countries. Therefore, the users agree to the following by way of example and not limitation.
They will not transmit or access content that infringes any third party rights (eg intellectual and industrial property).
They will not transmit or access content that violates fundamental human rights recognized by national law and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (e.g. right to privacy, prohibition of discrimination on any level including gender , race, colour, language, religion, political opinion or other opinion, national or social in nature).
They will not transmit or gain access to content that is against the law and good and business ethics.
They will not transmit or gain access to content that violates in any way the privacy and individual and social rights of third parties.
They will not mislead anyone as to the origin of the content of the website, will not harm, in any way, the reputation of the Alma Group, will not prevent any user from accessing the website https://www.alma-theatregroup.com/ and they will not bypass Jump Team authentication.
They will not install and promote, in any way, any kind of unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes and any other form of unsolicited content promotion, and install and promote advertisements without the written consent of the Jump Team.
They will not install, promote and/or make available content that contains digital viruses or any other electronic code, files or programs designed to interfere with, destroy or limit the operation of any software or telecommunications equipment or prevent other users from using the ekbru.be website.
They will not reveal their own or third-party information that contains personal data of users or third parties either in real-time conversations (chats, message boards) or when using any service of the ekbru.be website that provides the possibility of communication between more than two users.
They will not use the service for information and communication to third parties or the competent authorities in emergency situations, since the response or success of a call or dispatch is not guaranteed at the critical time. Alma TEAM is in no way responsible for the failure to call or send data as well as for the improper termination of any telephone call.
They will not cause harm to a minor, transmit, traffic, promote in any way an object contained in the Law and morals and in particular material obtained illegally, the result of wiretapping, material of terrorism, objects of child pornography, etc.
In any case of illegal or contrary to these terms and conditions of use of the website, visitors/users are obliged to compensate the Alma Group for any direct or indirect positive and consequential damages. The non-exercise by the Alma Group of its rights under these terms and conditions of use does not imply a waiver of these rights.
In order to access certain services of the website or to connect to certain websites, the Alma Group may be asked for user information in order to grant a relevant password.
The above data must always be true, accurate, valid and complete. Users are responsible for all operations carried out with the password and are obliged to immediately notify the Jump Team of any unauthorized use thereof and of any (even potential) breach of security. These details are not disclosed by the Alma Group to third parties.
The Alma Group is not responsible for any harm or damage that may arise from the arbitrary or illegal use of the password by third parties, due to its leakage or for any other reason and reserves the right to request compensation from the user, in case he suffers any kind of damage from the arbitrary or illegal use of the password.
The Alma GROUP is entitled at any time to refuse to grant an access code or to cancel a granted code or to terminate the provision of these services to the user and to refuse any current or future use of the ekbru.be website, in case of violation of the terms and conditions of use.
Users must exercise the required prudence and diligence in the safekeeping of passwords and not disclose passwords to any third party.
The codes granted by the Alma Group are intended for strictly personal use, while the responsibility for any loss or interception thereof belongs exclusively to the user to whom they are granted. All activities corresponding to the user's name and password are assumed to have been carried out by the user, who bears full responsibility for the content and use of the services he uses.
The Jump Team may use cookies to identify the user. Cookies are text files that are stored on each user's hard drive, they do not recognize any document or file from their computer and are used only to facilitate the user's access to specific services and for statistical purposes, in order to determine the areas in which the services of the website are useful or popular or for marketing purposes.
The user can configure his server so that he does not receive cookies, either overall or on a case-by-case basis. In such a case the user cannot have further access to these services.
Applicable law – Civil law.
These terms of use as well as the conditions and any amendment thereof are governed by Belgian Law. For any dispute that may arise from this contract, the substantive courts of Brussels are designated as competent.
Denial of responsibility
The Alma Team is committed to keeping this website up-to-date and accurate. If, however, you come across anything that is not valid or is incorrect, we would appreciate it if you let us know. Please let us know where on the site you find this information. We will review them as soon as possible. Please send your request through the contact form available on this website.
We are not liable for loss as a result of inaccuracies or omissions, nor for loss arising from problems caused by or inherent inor in the dissemination of information over the Internet, such as disruptions or interruptions. When using contact forms, we try to keep the number of required fields to a minimum. For any loss arising from the use of data, advice or ideas provided by or on behalf of The Jump Group through this website, The Jump Group shall not be liable.
The use of the website and all its parts is subject to Terms of Use. The mere use of this website assumes knowledge and acceptance of these terms of use.
Privacy responses and questions submitted by email or using a contact form will be treated the same as letters. This means you can expect a response from us within 1 month at the latest. In case of complex requests, we will inform you within 1 month if we need a maximum of 3 months.
The personal data you provide to us as part of your response or request for information will only be used in accordance with our privacy statement.
The Alma Team will make every reasonable effort to protect its systems from any form of illegal use. the Alma Group implements appropriate technical and organizational measures for this purpose, taking into account, among other things, the development of technology. However, it is not responsible for any loss, direct and / or indirect, suffered by the user of the website, which arises as a result of the illegal use of its systems by a third party.
The Alma Group accepts no responsibility for the content of websites to or from which a hyperlink or other reference is made. Products or services offered by third parties are subject to the applicable terms and conditions of those third parties.
All intellectual property rights in the content of this website are reserved to the Alma Group
Copying, distribution and any other use of this material is not permitted without the written permission of the Alma Group, except and only to the extent provided otherwise in the regulations of mandatory law (such as the right of reference), unless specific content dictates otherwise.
If you have any questions or problems with the accessibility of the site, please do not hesitate to contact us.